Urine is a liquid containing a large number of chemical substances that dissolve in it. Most of the chemicals are only slightly soluble and if any of excessive amounts of substances, substances that will form crystals. These crystals will grow over time and become a stone walk.
Chemical substances that are usually formed stones include calcium, phosphate, oxalate, uric acid and cystine. Most of these minerals found in urine with a concentration just below the levels so that it can dissolve. That is why minerals bias remains a liquid and does not form crystals.
Urine kidney stone patients more frequently contain these minerals and they are more easily form crystals than ordinary people. The presence of crystals in urine does not always lead to the formation of stones in the urinary tract. Normal people get rid of crystals of calcium phosphate, calcium oxalate, and uric acid in urine and kidney stones is never exposed.
This is caused by 3 main reasons:
1. The concentration of these chemicals have never been in the range of super-saturated.
2. Levels of chemicals that inhibit crystallization of some chemical substances in urine is high enough.
3. Substances that inhibit crystallization in urine, including magnesium, citrate, pyrophosphate, and several other molecules. Those who caused the mineral remains in a soluble form.
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