Diagnosis of Pneumonia can be done through:
Clinical Overview
The symptoms of pneumonia similar for all types of pneumonia. The symptoms include:
- Fever and chills due to inflammatory processes
- A cough that is often productive and purulent
- Sputum rust-colored red or green with a distinctive odor
- Fatigue due to inflammatory reactions and hypoxia if the infection is serious.
The clinical picture is usually preceded by infection of acute upper respiratory tract for several days, followed by fever, chills, body temperature sometimes exceeds 400C, sore throat, sore muscles and joints. Also accompanied by cough, with purulent sputum mukoid or, sometimes bloody.
On physical examination, chest pain seen bagiam the time left to breathe with bronchial breath sounds are sometimes weakened. Ronkhi obtained fine, which later became ronkhi wet rough on the stage of resolution.
Radiological picture
Radiological picture in the photo thorax on pneumonia, among others:
- Perselubungan homogeneous or inhomogen accordance with a lung lobe or segment anantomis.
- The border firm, though at first less clear.
- Lung volume did not change, unlike lung atelectasis where shrinking. - No visible deviation of the trachea / septum / fissure / as in atelectasis.
- Silhouette sign (+): useful for determining location of pulmonary lesions; limit cardiac lesions with missing, mean lesion is adjacent to the heart or in the right lobe medius.
- Often due to complications of pleural effusions.
- When the occurrence of the inferior lobe, the sinus phrenicocostalis most recently exposed.
- At the beginning is often still visible vascular.
- In the resolution often seem Water Bronchogram Signing.
Diagnosis of pneumonia Diagnosis based on medical history, physical examination and investigation. Etiologik diagnosis, based on examination mikrobiologik and / or serologic as a basis for optimal therapy. But the discovery of bacteria that cause is not always easy therefore require adequate laboratory support, and if the inspection can be done even mikrobiologik not always causing germs can be found. Therefore the WHO to develop guidelines for clinical diagnosis and management of pneumonia in children. The goal is to simplify the diagnostic criteria into a small number of physical signs can be detected directly, create a system of classification of disease and determine the basis of antibiotic usage.
The diagnosis of pneumonia can be seen from the symptoms that occur in animals and by performing a physical examination. Information from chest examination with X-ray, blood tests, sputum culture also can help. Diagnosis of pneumonia is difficult if the animal suffered from other diseases. Sometimes a CT scan or other tests may be needed to distinguish pneumonia from other diseases.
Ikubasi period between 20-30 days, followed by symptoms of anorexia, decreased temperature, fever, decreased blood pressure, heart rate increased, decreased oxygen saturation, body weakness, weight decreased, shortness of breath, dry cough, and cyanosis. Mushrooms can be found from animals suffering from sputum or lung tissue is viewed with Giemza staining under a microscope. Roentgen examination and inspection by PCR will strengthen the determination of this diagnosis.
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