Monday, August 23, 2010

Role of Diet for Kidney Stone Formation

As already mentioned, it is important for patients to drink plenty of water for more than 2 liters per day. Water is very important in handling all types of kidney stones, whatever the cause.

Drink lots of water will dissolve the urine and prevents crystallization of minerals that can form stones. The main objective of food regulation is to fix defects in a chemical process during digestion, absorption and utilization of minerals.

Your doctor will recommend lowering eat that increase risk and increase the consumption of foods that may inhibit stone formation. More than 75% of kidney stones are calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate. And calcium oxalate stones are a most common.

Calcium needs from foods that are recommended is 400-500 mg / day. To get the amount of calcium, it is necessary to limit milk and milk product maximum only 1 cup / day. We also need to reduce calcium-rich foods such as:
'- Cheese, cream milk, khoya
'- Fish and seafood such as crabs, chingri, shrimp, snails
'- Soybeans
'- Sesame, poppy seed, lemon skin
'- Phalsa
'- Curry leaves, black Arbi leaves, leaf FENUGREEK
'- Jaggery

Oxalate in urine separately from calcium to form calcium oxalate stones. Therefore, the need to avoid foods that contain oxalate.

Uric acid stones
This stone is associated with gout / Gout (a disease with sudden and recurring attacks of arthritis is very painful. Because of the deposits of monosodium uric crystals, which accumulate in the joints. As a result of high levels of uric acid in the blood).
Aspirin can increase the expenditure of uric acid in urine which resulted in an increase of uric acid stone formation.
The most important factor in the formation of stones is acid urine.
The disease is treated with adequate fluid and normalizes urine becomes acidic pH 6 to 6.5.
This is done by increasing the consumption of foods and supplements alkali citrate and bicarbonate.
If the concentration of uric acid is very high, your doctor may recommend restriction of dietary protein.
Reduce or avoid foods that contain purine. Should not consume tea, coffee and cocoa to excess.

Because the diet used effects of acid and alkaline content of urine for the modification of diet pH urine remain at normal limits. Most fruits and vegetables make the urine becomes alkaline, while high protein foods, breads, cereals make urine becomes acidic. But reduce consumption of these foods do not need to avoid altogether.

It is important to remember though symptoms of various types of kidney stones together, depending on the type of treatment. Because it should follow the advice of doctors, especially in terms of food. Limiting consumption of some foods that increase stones formation can be dangerous for us. Reduce the risk factor in bladder through natural dietary components. For example, tartaric acid contained in tamarind can reduce the formation of kidney stones.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Types of Kidney Stones Surgery

That wave of focus can destroy kidney stones. Currently developed lithotripsy machine.
In this procedure, the wave produced outside the body is made spread through skin and tissue to destroy kidney stones.
These waves break the stones into particles smaller like sand.
There are several different methods of lithotripsy. None of these methods which require an incision at the skin. Most only require a brief anesthetic.
Sometimes, x-rays and ultrasound are also used together with lithotripsy for doctors to target precisely the wave on stone.
During this procedure, the patient may feel pressure on your back. But do not feel any pain at all. This procedure may last for 1 hour.
Lithotripsy may cause some minor complications. Patients may feel a bit sore on the body part that is passed by the wave.
There may be blood in the urine for several days after treatment.
Sometimes, the particles are small stones that come out through the urinary tract causing pain and discomfort.
Sometimes stones are not broken into particles as the sand that may be required surgical procedure to remove it.
To solve the hard rock into small pieces require more than 1 lithotripsy, but there is a possibility the stone is not broken at all.

Endoscopic stone surgery
In this procedure, the doctor will insert a flexible tube into the bladder through the urethra.
The doctor will take the stone which lies in both the ureter and the bladder with the aid of a wire basket to catch these stones.
This procedure is used for the stone that sits at the bottom of the ureter near the bladder.

Open surgery
About 5% of patients with kidney stones are likely to require open surgery, especially if a large stone and stuck in the kidney.
During surgery, the doctor will cut the skin along the 5-10 inches.
Then the doctor will cut the tissue, including kidney stones and retrieve it manually.
Most likely the patient will recover within 4-6 weeks after surgery.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Kidney Stone Treatment Through Surgery

Surgery is the primary means of treatment of kidney stones. Indications for kidney stone surgery are:
'- Stone can not get out themselves and cause severe pain
'- Stone is very large and can not get out of the urinary tract
'- Stone obstruct or impede the flow of urine
'- Stone causing urinary tract infection
'- The damage to the kidney function
'- Blood is always out when pee pee
At this time there have been several new techniques that only require a small incision in the skin to remove the stone so that the patient does not need length of stay in hospital.
There are several surgical options for treating kidney stones.

Percutaneous Surgery
In this procedure, a hole is made in the skin and through the equipment included in the body in order to reach the kidney directly.
Special tool used to solve the stones into small pieces and to throw it away.
A large number of kidney stones can be taken through this procedure.
The success rate of percutaneous surgery for kidney stones more than 95%.
Patients may need to stay in hospital for several days after this procedure.
A tube may be placed in the body to drain fluids from the procedures performed during the recovery period.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kidney Stone Treatment

Here are a few options in dealing with kidney stone disease.

Drinking enough water
The only treatment proven kidney stones is to make sure to drink enough fluids.
Highly recommended for people with much to drink and urinate a minimum of 2 liters of urine per day.
This means patients have to drink all day and night. The patient may be often wake up at night to drink or pee pee.
Drinking hard water is not dangerous because the benefits exceed the negative effects of high calcium content in water.
If people work in environments with high temperature, patients have a greater possibility for excessive sweating and suffering from dehydration. Therefore, patients must often drink water in large quantities.
It is important to remember that if we drink water in sufficient quantities, then the urine turns clear as water. Yellowish color means the urine is concentrated and we need more frequent drinking.

Your doctor may recommend some medications that control the amount of acid or alkali in the urine because it is the main factor in stone formation.
Allopurinol is recommended if the patient has a high uric acid levels because this drug can lower uric acid levels.
There are several medications that can reduce calcium levels in the blood and is beneficial to the have kidney stones and high levels of calcium.
Hidroklorothiazid reduce the amount of calcium released by the kidneys into the urine to prevent calcium stones.
Sodium cellulose phosphate binding of calcium in the intestine and prevent it out into the urine.
Thiola recommended sometimes if you have cystine stones because these drugs reduce the amount sistin in urine. The drugs can prevent kidney stones ill.
In the case of kidney stones due to infection, your doctor will probably recommend antibiotics to prevent infection of bacteria after the stone is removed.
Doctors also may recommend a urine test at a regular frequency to detect bacteria in urine.
If the stone can not be removed because of infection, a newer drug called asetohidroamik acid may be recommended along with antibiotics to prevent infection.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Laboratory Tests Patients with Kidney Stones

There are 3 reasons why laboratory tests are recommended for people with kidney stones:
- To find the type of kidney stone
- To identify the factors that contribute to the formation of kidney stones
- To detect damage to the kidney caused by stone

Laboratory tests are usually recommended are:
- Blood tests to check urea, serum creatinine, uric acid, calcium and phosphate.
- Checking urine to detect infection and to detect the existence of crystal
- These crystals help detect any type of stone in the ureter
- Sometimes the analysis of urine samples collected over 24 hours
- These tests are used to detect levels of calcium, phosphate, uric acid and oxalic
- X-ray and abdominal ultrasound is recommended to determine the presence or absence of kidney stones and to identify the size and location
- Pielografi intravenous is a special x-ray test in which a contrast dye is injected into the veins
- Coloring is outstanding contrast to the kidneys and excreted in the urine
- When the dye is concentrated in the ureter, this dye did not make it transparent and visible when the X ray
- This test also detects obstacles in the urinary tract

Friday, August 13, 2010

Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Most people with kidney stones do not feel any symptoms. The disease is more frequently detected on routine examination and tests for other diseases in the stomach. Even a very large stones such as kidney does not cause any symptoms.
- The most severe symptoms of kidney stones is severe pain and there is blood in the urine.
- Pain is usually in the pelvic region, on the left or right depending on the stone is located in the kidney.
- The pain may radiate to the groin and often feel burning when pee pee and sometimes remove small stones while urinating.
- If there are stones in the kidney, usually causing pain in the waist.
- Stone in the ureter causing severe pain most commonly spread to the testicles or the tip of the penis.
- Stone can also be found in the bladder, although more common in children and malnourished people.
- Bladder stones are almost never found in developing countries.
- Stone in urinary tract infection often causes. If you often complain of urinary tract infection, so doctors recommend a test to detect stones.
- People with recurrent urinary infections are also more likely to get kidney stones.
- Stone usually formed from magnesium ammonium phosphate and calcium phosphate.
- So, urinary infections and kidney stones are related.
- Recurrent urinary tract infections can affect kidney function, it can even cause kidney failure.
- Another major problem of kidney stones is to hamper the flow of urine.
- Obstacles are causing pressure and swelling on the back of the kidney.
- Swelling of the kidney is called hydronephrosis. This is a serious complication and if not treated promptly, can eliminate kidney function.
- Because we have kidney, loss of kidney function in 1 kidney caused by stones usually do not cause any problems.
- Usually, kidney stones are detected when the kidneys are also affected.
- If there are stones in both kidneys and begin to interfere with its function, it will be difficult to restore renal function to normal levels.
- Kidney stones can also cause high blood pressure. So it is important to follow laboratory tests to detect the level of kidney function, especially those with high blood pressure.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Other Factors Increase the Risk of Kidney Stones

Some other factors that increase the risk of developing kidney stones are:
- Siblings kidney stone patients exposed to greater risk of kidney stones
- Not known definitely caused by similar environmental factors such as food, environmental, and others.
- Hot weather increase stone formation.
- Kidney stones are more common in military circles that move to places in hot weather.
- The climate is hot to increase sweat production and produce a high concentration of urine.
- Increasing sunshine causing increased absorption of vitamin D from the skin.
- The high vitamin D in the body increases the absorption of calcium in urine increased spending.
- People who have mental stress has a concentration of calcium, oxalate and uric acid are higher in the urine.
- Not yet unknown exactly how stress causes excessive concentration on rersebut substances.
Man - who urinated less than 1 liter per day at risk of kidney stones.
- Some experts believe that drinking hard water regularly can increase your risk for kidney stones. But it can not be proved.
- Hard water contains a higher amount of calcium, thus increasing the risk of kidney stones.
- People are less mobile or more work outdoors exposed to higher risk for kidney stones.
- People who consume dairy products, dietary fiber and carbohydrate and low in animal meat in a large portion is exposed to greater risk for kidney stones.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Factors Cause Kidney Stones

General factors
- The decreasing concentration of chemical substances such as magnesium, citrate, pyrophosphate and others. These substances inhibit the formation of crystals in urine.
- Increasing the concentration of chemicals such as calcium, fosfsat, oxalate, uric acid and Sistin. These substances increase the formation of crystals in urine.
- Lack of drinking.
- Frequently exposed to sunlight and excessive sweating.
- Family members who suffer from kidney stones, especially siblings.
- Stress
- Dispose of urine is less than 1 liter per day.
- Less moving.
- Increased eating dairy products, meat and animal diets low in fiber.

Underlying diseases:
- Increased activity of the parathyroid glands. This is the second pair of endocrine glands located behind the thyroid gland in front of the neck. They produce a hormone that increases blood calcium levels by mobilizing from the bone.
- Increasing levels of oxalic acid oksalit or in urine. This happens due to lack an enzyme needed to digest oksalit acid or lipid absorption abnormalities in the small intestine. Oksalit acid source is a common fruit and vegetables.
- Tubula in kidney
- A condition where there is an amino acid called Sistin in urine.
This is caused by a rare disease. Amino acids are protein-building compounds.
- Gout. This is a disease which is associated with the errors inherent in the use of uric acid thereby increasing the production of uric acid or interfere with urine by expenditure.
- Various disease that produces resistance in urinary tract.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Causes of Kidney Stones

Here is the factor-factor that increases the risk of developing kidney stones.
- The fall in the concentration of chemical substances that inhibit crystallization of other chemicals
- Increasing the concentration of chemical substances which have a tendency to crystallize
- There are chemical substances that can crystallize in kisaean super saturated.
- The type of stone depending on the chemical overload.
- The majority of stones are calcium stones because the most common minerals found in urine
- Calcium can form calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate or both.
- Uric acid is formed when protein is digested and released in the body.
- Excess uric acid in urine can cause uric acid stones. This stone is more common among non-vegetarians.
- The majority of people affected by kidney stones because they drink less fluids.
- Lack of drinking menbuat highly concentrated urine, so that the chemicals in it becomes super saturated.
- Kidney stones are also common in weather conditions that increase sweat production.
- Kidney stones are also caused by fluid loss through perspiration and the lack of fluids to drink., So that the volume of urine becomes less. His form is also more concentrated.
- Terkadi kidney stones are more common in the Gulf States and North India.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kidney Stone Formation

Urine is a liquid containing a large number of chemical substances that dissolve in it. Most of the chemicals are only slightly soluble and if any of excessive amounts of substances, substances that will form crystals. These crystals will grow over time and become a stone walk.

Chemical substances that are usually formed stones include calcium, phosphate, oxalate, uric acid and cystine. Most of these minerals found in urine with a concentration just below the levels so that it can dissolve. That is why minerals bias remains a liquid and does not form crystals.

Urine kidney stone patients more frequently contain these minerals and they are more easily form crystals than ordinary people. The presence of crystals in urine does not always lead to the formation of stones in the urinary tract. Normal people get rid of crystals of calcium phosphate, calcium oxalate, and uric acid in urine and kidney stones is never exposed.

This is caused by 3 main reasons:
1. The concentration of these chemicals have never been in the range of super-saturated.
2. Levels of chemicals that inhibit crystallization of some chemical substances in urine is high enough.
3. Substances that inhibit crystallization in urine, including magnesium, citrate, pyrophosphate, and several other molecules. Those who caused the mineral remains in a soluble form.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

About Kidney

Kidneys are bean-shaped organ located below the large ribs, on either side of the bone belakang.Setiap kidneys have 4-5 inches long and 2 to 2.5 inches thick. The size is about the size of a fist.

The inside of the kidney-shaped concave and has a wedge-like shape. Arteries, veins, nerves and kidneys through the ureter associated with this into the cavity in the ginjal.2 main artery of the kidney is divided into 4 or 5 branches.

Next divided into branches that grew smaller, until each small branch into clumps of blood vessels are small and dense, capillaries, called a glomerulus.

Clots This allows fluid and food debris through the walls so that they can be issued in the form of urine. Glomerulus is the main filter unit of the nephron, which is the functional units of the kidney. There are more than 1 million nephrons in each kidney.

Approximately 180 liters of blood is filtered by the kidneys every day. At the end of filtration, the kidneys make up about 1.5 liters of urine every day. The remainder reabsorbed by the body through arteries.

The kidneys filter blood, remove excess fluids and food scraps and turn into urine. The kidneys also maintain the balance of various chemical substances contained in blood.

Urine is formed in the kidney functional parts are collected in one place called the renal pelvis. Shaped like a funnel. Urine enters the wide end and pass through the small end into the ureter. The ureter is a tube measuring 14-18 inches from each kidney.

This channel to channel urine from the kidney to the bladder until removed from the body. Stones can form anywhere between the renal pelvis, ureter or bladder. Its size also varied, ranging from rice to fist size.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Introduction About Kidney Stones

Having a kidney stone is one of the most difficult conditions and have experienced many people. Kidney stones are one of the most common abnormality on urine sakuran. Kidney stones are not easy issues, this disease is the leading cause of kidney failure events. Medications are properly and timely manner can prevent serious complications such kidney failure.

Stone found in the urinary tract is a common disorder occurs because the urine including chemical liquid containing a number of chemical substances. These substances can be crystallized easily, then enlarged to form a stone.

Number of patients with kidney stones each year more and more, especially in countries growing industry. Kalainan is relatively rare in countries with economies based on agriculture. Because the types of foods and eating habits play a role in the formation of kidney stones.

Kidney stones are more likely experienced by men than women.